
Welcome to writing.teiru.net, my writing home away from home.

Novels in progress

Short stories published by the Journey

See: short story anthologies from the Journey writing group. All of my stories, flash fiction, poems and more are available as the anthology Kalerion

Writer friends


About me

I am a writer of fantasy and science fiction stories and a co-founder and leader of the Writing Journey, a writing community in the cities and suburbs west of Chicago. I write my stories using vim and markdown, collecting the short stories in my anthology Kalerion. Many of these have appeared in the Writing Journey anthologies.

In real life, I am a Portfolio Manager for DevOps and a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at a major telecommunications manufacturing company.

At one time some years ago, I explored developing Romanzo, an alternative to Papel.

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[NaperWriMo (a.k.a Illinois::Naperville region for NaNoWriMo]

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